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Weights with up to ten decimals:

Use the weighting syntax to define weights with up to ten decimals. Import weighted ranges with decimals from GTO applications (PIOSolver, GTO Range Builder etc.).

Different weights for single hands in one combo.

Single hands in one combo can be weighted with different values. The colorized part in the matrix shows the average weight in this combo.

Weighted hands in different groups

You can distribute the 100% weight of one hand to different groups. For example you can put 28% of a hand into one group and the remaining 72% into an other group. Of course it works with up to 16 groups. The weighted parts are colorized accordingly to his weight in the bubbletips.

Weighting of subgroups and recursively weighting of subgroups

Now, you can weight hands or combos in subgroups. This works recursively up to 16 levels. You define the weight of a subgroup relative to his parent (100%). Power-Equilab automatically calculates the corresponding multiplied recursively weight.

... and putting it all together into mess ... ;)

Displaying weights as percentage parts in three different ways.

You have three options to display the weighted groups in the matrix.
- "Treat parent as 100%": The weight of the groups will be displayed relative to his parent.
- "Treat all hands as 100%": The weight will be displayed absolute to all possible hands in this combo.
- "Rectangle with parent weights and current weight": The recursively weight of all parents are displayed in width, the weight of the affected hands are displayed in height.

Displaying number of combos or percentages in three different ways.

You have three options to display the number of combos or percentages in the matrix.

- Number of combinations:

- Percentage of average weights:

- Percentage of num of hands:

Select groups and subgroups by textual input including weighting syntax.

Adjustable number of decimal places for weighting.

Explorable entries for grouped ranges in saved ranges.

Grouped ranges are now explorable in the list of your saved ranges. Now you have a perfect overview of your ranges and you can easily select the required subgroup.

Some smaller changes to enhance the usability of the handrange selection window.

Full Undo/Redo functionality to correct wrong input

"Select Remainder" button to select the remaining unselected parts of all combo to the current group.

Option to hide / cut long range texts in the hierarchical display to increase the readability.

"Security question it the user would overwrite an changed unsaved range.

Smarter resizing in handrange selection window.

Playability export to use in CREV as custom factors.

Import (paste) handranges from CREV and Flopzilla including their weighting syntax.

Import (paste) handranges from PIOSolver and GTO-Range-Builder including their weighting syntax.

Export weighted handranges with "bracket syntax" to use in CREV, PIOSolver and other tools.

Define your own notes for your ranges.

Removed parts:

- Old style suit selection via Alt-key is completely replaced by the suit selection window. Just select the suits and mark the desired combos ... easy.

- Weighted groups are deleted. Couse of the coorperation between Power-Equilab and the new GTO-tools, it makes no sense to offer a limited number of weighted groups. Now, the number of weighted groups is unlimited.

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